I'm a christian,
and my Church is the Church of God in Melbourne. Here is the information
of my christain belief and of my Church.
The Matchless Book: The Bible
The Glorious God
The Precious Man
The Fall of Man and His Need
The Most Treasurable Christ
The Work of the Holy Spirit
The Way Back Home
A Lovely and Eternal Home: The Church
The Foci of Christian Life
The Church of God in Melbourne (Our Belief) / Homepage of
Life's Spring Publisher
(Publisher of the Church of God in Hong Kong)
We love the Bible earnestly and take it as our treasure. Through the teaching of the Holy Spirit, we acquire through the Bible understanding of God's various intentions, abundant food for our soul and immense knowledge about Him. He also speaks to us through the Bible, to refresh our hearts and have fellowship with us, so that we can become His close friends.
He is the creator of the universe, and the preserver, the ruler and the overseer.
He is present everywhere, with perfect love, perfect knowledge, perfect wisdom, and almighty; the source of all good things and blessings; our strength, portion, and rest.
He is the only true God in trinity. The Father is God. The Son is God. The Holy Spirit is God. They are of equal Deity, equal rank and equal glory, exist from the very beginning to the very end. The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit are distinct, yet They are indivisible for They are one.
This God that loves us so much is our hope in present life and the future.
Man is the focus of God's work in His eternal intention and planning.
In all things created, only man has both body and spirit.
We believe that all men sinned and thus are separated from God. Their lives have fallen into emptiness, sufferings, darkness and corruption. They have to face death, judgement and eternal punishment in the future.
Therefore, everyone is in need of the glorious salvation in the Lord Jesus.
God's only begotten Son is both God and man ever since He came to the world. He has the complete, not confusing nor mixed natures of both God and man, yet His Deity and human natures are indivisible but are united in the same person, that is in the same Christ. He is the only mediator between God and men.
The life of Christ revealed the Father. He is absolutely perfect in whom God has all His delight.
He loved us and delievered Himself up for us. He truly suffered for us on the cross, shed His blood, being punished and forsaken by God, and finally died for us to bear all our sins by Himself. We cannot help running down tears with gratitude and would thank for His grace forever!
Christ died for our sins, and then He was buried.
But on the third day He was risen from dead! His body did not undergo decay but became even more glorious. Hallelujah! He has overcome death and has brought us endless hope.
He has also ascended to heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. He became the head over all things for the Church, and lives to make intercession for us in glory. He also prepares for us a better home.
The Lord Jesus will surely come back! And He will be back soon to take all saints with Him in the clouds and we shall always be with Him. There will be presentation of rewards and the feast of the Lamb in heaven. How great our joy will be!
Then Lord Jesus will come in His glory and power in the clouds. He will put an end to wars and judge the people who lives. He will establish His glorious, joyful and peaceful Millennium. At that time we will share His joy and glory, and will reign with Him.
Finally, He will execute His judgement on the white throne. The dead will be risen for judgment according to their deeds. All those who sinned, and their names not found written in the book of life, will be imprisoned in the lake of burning sulphur. In this way, all the wicked and fallen angels with be put into hell, and they will not interfere with the eternal happiness of the universe.
God has prepared for us a new heaven and a new earth. The most beautiful holy city will come down out of heaven. The tabernacle of God is among men. We shall reign with the Lord forever and ever.
We shall live and love with Him with no ending. God's glorious plan will proceed endlessly!
The Holy Spirit comes to bear witness for Christ, and works among men, to convict men concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgment, so that they will believe in Christ.
The Holy Spirit also makes the believers
be born again. They are baptized through the Spirit into one body, being
united together. The Spirit also dwells in them to be their Comforter and
the Helper in time of need, and to guide them into all the truth and the
unfathomable riches of Christ. He helps the life of a believer to grow
in abundance. The focus of the work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the
Lord and to revive and establish the Churches that satisfies the Lord in
every place in the way.
By grace we have been saved through faith; and not as a result of our works, but of God's grace. We are justified as a gift by the grace of God through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus!
We are justified by the faith in Christ so that we shall not perish but have eternal life.
This 'faith' is more than knowledge but the believing God with our hearts. (Rom. 10:9-10)
Therefore, it is this faith that 'receives' Christ, as it was written in the Bible, "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name". (John 1:12)
It is this faith that 'trusts in' Christ, to trust in the redemption in which He died for our sins in order that our sins are forgiven, and to trust in Him for a life without sin. (Acts 13:39; Matthew 1:21)
This faith makes a person experience the born-again life coming from the Holy Spirit. It changes a person from inside. This faith brings about love, and it changes his heart and his life in a nice way. (Galatians 5:6; Acts 15:9)
The Church is the core of God's plan in eternity, the most precious in His heart.
The Church was given different designations in the Bible to explain its real status, values and glory, for example:
The Church is the land cultivated by God, and the house built by Him.
The Church is the pillar and support of the truth, and the golden lampstand.
The Church is the kingdom and army of God.
The Church is a chosen race, a royal priesthood, and a people for God's possession.
The Church is the sheep of the Lord.
The Church is a new man.
The Church is the body of Christ.
The Church is God's temple, spiritual house and dwelling place.
The Church is so precious that it is even the bride of Christ and the household of God!
We are the members of the household of God, having the closest and eternal relationship and intimacy with God and the brothers.
We should love each other deeply and be rooted in the household of God: lead a normal Church life, share the abundance of God's house and flourish in the courts of God.
The surpassing love of God, Christ and the church are our vision and encouragement; our everlasting joy and dwelling place.
Desiring God, calling upon Him, relying on Him, entrusting ourselves to Him, trusting in Him, drawing near to Him and obeying Him..., all these show our faith.
We should always draw near to God privately and also together with brothers. Reading His Word always and pouring our hearts before Him help us to build up a closer relationship with Him. Our hearts will be glorified and strengthened through knowing Him and drawing near to Him face to face. By faith, we shall be supplied with all our needs. We can overcome the world, walk with courage and do greater things! (Hebrews 11)
2. LOVE Love is the greatest! Our greatest and ultimate purpose is to love God and to love men. By faith, we draw near to God and imitate His unselfish, giving and unconditional love. This love brings about every moral excellence and labor of love. But still we have to learn to love with more wisdom and knowledge, and to practice it in all aspects of our life, so that we are well equipped for every good work.
3. HOPE Through the Word of God, we know about the mystery of God, and men, and the universe, the coming of the Lord Jesus, and the infinite, glorious plan of God in eternity. We should be full of hope for the future that lies ahead. Our life, therefore, is very meaningful, for we know our present life affects our eternity. We know that our toil is not in vain in the Lord. Hope brings about perseverance that we can smile at the storm, or in the valley of shadow, or in all sufferings.
We believe in the resurrection of the body.
We are waiting for the coming of our dear Lord and the great congregation in heaven!
We desire the better homeland and warm Fatherly home in heaven!
We long for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells!
Come, Lord Jesus!
Brothers and sisters everywhere who call upon the Lord in pure hearts,
Due to the restoration, revival and blessings from the Lord upon our Church in recent years, the gospel of Jesus Christ has spread quickly, and we have been growing fast in Hong Kong even more, a wave of missionary work has started. During these days, it is precious that the number of saved grows and our boundary extends, but it is more important that God is with us and His glory is among us. The Lord also open His heart to us and give us many precious teachings of truth to set our hearts free, understanding more of Him and His intention in this present age, so that we can build up the Church according to what is in His heart.
Because of all the blessings and the spread of revival, the devil is full of anger and our revival has also drawn the attention and even jealousy of others. Since 1981 the devil has stirred up people to attack us with various slanders, in order that it could hinder and destroy the work God has established among us. We were also labelled with various terrible stigma. Thousnads of brothers and sisters among us were misunderstood, and were ill-treated and persecuted. More importantly, these rumors have greatly affected the spread of the gospel, salvation of souls and caring of new believers.
We are willing to bear all kinds of sufferings for the sake of the Lord and people, but we also find it our responsibility to clarify the matter. All along, there is no special doctrine among us for what we believe in is the whole Bible (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We published this summary of our fundamental beliefs in order to make clear the core of our belief, so that all the saints may know and will not spread rumors to others, and that they may realize we are truly of God's household, and will take pleasure in sharing with us.
This summary of our belief includes important truth concerning life and death, which should be guarded firmly in the Spirit, even to the point of death.
This summary can be used for meditation or as reminder for ourselves. It also helps in differentiating sound truth from false doctrine.
However we should be aware that for even sound belief, it is not enough to know it only by knowledge. Truth, to profit us, should influence us and guard us. Therefore, it must be united by faith in us. It is not right for us to have sound knowledge but withering and dying of soul. We need the revelation and strengthening of the Holy Spirit, and to pursue with all saints. Let us also responed to Him with all our heart.
May the Lord guide us into all the truth through the Holy Spirit. May we hold firmly the words entrusted to us till He comes!
This document
is written by Daniel Yu in 1987
The following website display some of our pubilcations and have a movie describing the history of our Church. (This site is currently available in Chinese only, and Engish version will be avaliable soon.)
Church of God in Hong Kong (Life's Spring Publisher)
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This site is created and maintained by Matthew, mcly@hotmail.com
Last Upated: 16 July, 1999